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VR Training Modules

Sanal Havacılık Produces Quick Solutions

At Sanal Havacılık, we do not only focus on the aviation field, but also develop various software, primarily VR, supported by artificial intelligence. In line with this mission, you are seeing an example of x-ray simulation that we developed. Thanks to such simulations, potential risks in training personnel who will work in environments exposed to hazardous x-ray radiation will be eliminated, and it will also be efficient in terms of time and economy.

Training can be conducted cost-effectively by having students take x-rays repeatedly without exposure to radiation and without regard to the number of repetitions. These VR training systems can be easily integrated into healthcare, aviation, industry, and similar fields, providing economically advantageous, effective training, exams, and evaluations. These systems can also bring the student and instructor together in the same environment, allowing the instructor to observe and interact with the student. Furthermore, in such systems, not only the environment but also the interface of the machine or device being simulated can be reproduced, enabling the student to receive the training for the relevant device accurately without having to go to the actual device.

In the simulation you see as an example, how to use the panoramic dental x-ray device, device settings according to the patient, and how to take x-rays are prepared to be used simply in training. The patient can be brought in, and the procedures for approaching the device and positioning are explained, after which the shooting process can begin from a safe area. Additionally, the evaluation of the film after the shooting can also be reviewed.

Since consumables (gloves, x-ray films, etc.) will not be needed in training conducted in a virtual environment, such costs will not occur. Moreover, there is no need to find a patient. Training can be supported by placing warnings and explanations in relevant areas during the training. The results of the mistakes made can be evaluated. As there will be no costs, the consequences of errors can be observed repeatedly using the trial-and-error method, increasing the quality of the training.

Although this application we have made is designed simply for a dental x-ray device, training simulations of all kinds of x-ray systems in the medical field, as well as simulations for medical operations, can be created. Additionally, operator training for all kinds of devices can be conducted remotely and cost-effectively, ensuring the use of high-quality AI-supported training modules in every field.

By adding haptic devices developed by our company to the controls of the training prepared in the virtual environment, the training of tactile sensations can also be included in the modules, enabling operations to be simulated realistically.

You can contact us for detailed information.